
New: BounceShield & Phone Finder

New: BounceShield & Phone Finder

We're thrilled to introduce two major data features that are going to change the way you manage your email and phone outreach. 

Not only do these features stand on their own, but they also set the stage for even more powerful tools in the future. 

Let’s jump in and see what BounceShield and Phone Finder can do for you.

BounceShield: 100% Email Verification

BounceShield is a game-changer in email verification. With BounceShield, you can verify any email address with total accuracy. 

Just add a BounceShield step to your Playbooks, and when a contact reaches that point, BounceShield will verify the email and update its status as either "Verified" or "Invalid." No more guesswork, no more bounced emails.

Here’s what a Playbook using BounceShield will look like:

Why is BounceShield so valuable?

First off, BounceShield ensures you’ll never send another bounced email. This alone is huge because bounced emails can increase the risk of your messages landing in spam folders. And we all know that’s bad news for your cold email campaigns. 

By eliminating bounced emails, BounceShield makes your email outreach safer and more effective.

But let’s break it down further. Traditional email verification gives you three statuses: 

  • Verified
  • Unverified
  • Invalid/Bounced

See how that looks here:

With BounceShield, there are only two statuses: 

  • Verified
  • Invalid/Bounced

This means you can contact every single email with 100%. 

Phone Finder: Find Direct Dials with 1-Click

The next big feature in this release is LeadLoft’s Phone Finder. Phone Finder lets you find direct dials with just one click, giving you direct access to your prospects when you’re making cold calls.

Phone Finder Data Quality

But we didn’t just want to roll out a phone finder with any old data. We wanted to make sure the data quality was top-tier, on par with, or even better than, the leading options in the B2B prospecting market. 

Our tests show that we’ve got 60% coverage with high match rates on phone numbers. That means you’ll find accurate phone numbers for the majority of your prospects, giving you more prospects to cold call and a higher chance of connecting with your prospects.

Seamless Integration with LeadLoft

And here’s the best part: Phone Finder integrates seamlessly with LeadLoft. If you’re using Playbooks, LeadLoft automatically finds your prospects’ cell phone numbers, email addresses, LinkedIn URLs, and more, rolling them right into your multi-channel outreach.

Data Credits: Enterprise Data Without the Long-Term Commitment

Offering these features isn’t cheap, so we had to choose between long-term contracts or a pay-as-you-go model. 

We know many of you are startups, so we’ve designed our data credits to be flexible and affordable. No upfront payments, no long-term contracts, just pay as you go.

Data Credits start at $0.1 per credit, and your account is topped off automatically when it drops below 50 credits. Plus, to get you started, every account comes loaded with 100 Data Credits, free of charge.

Current Data Credit Features & Pricing:

  • BounceShield (1 Credit)
  • Phone Finder (5 Credits)

And of course, if you aren’t interested in paying this, no problem! With LeadLoft, you’ll only ever pay for the data features you use. 

Wrapping Up

These new features, BounceShield and Phone Finder, are set to make your email and phone outreach more efficient, accurate, and effective. 

We’re excited to see how you’ll use them to level up your campaigns. And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to book a time with our team


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