
How We Achieved a 38% Reply Rate on LinkedIn (And How You Can Too)

How We Achieved a 38% Reply Rate on LinkedIn (And How You Can Too)

Ever sent out a bunch of LinkedIn messages only to hear crickets? You're not alone. 

But what if I told you we managed to get a 38% reply rate on LinkedIn? Yep, you read that right. 

And the best part? We’re about to share how we did it here so you can replicate our strategy.

The Secret Sauce: No Connection Notes

First things first, we ditched the connection notes. Sounds counterintuitive, right? But by sending connection requests without notes, we achieved a 48% acceptance rate. Just look at our campaign in the image above.

People are more likely to accept when they don't feel pressured by an immediate pitch.

Curious if you should include a connection note? We tested it, and you can read about whether or not you should use a connection note here.

Targeting a Super Narrow Audience

Here's where the magic happens. We didn't just spray and pray. We honed in on a super narrow audience

These were people we knew had the exact problem we're solving. How did we know this? They downloaded a free resource from our website, signaling high intent.

The person you are going after will often tell you in some way or another. 

If you're wondering how to find your perfect audience, check out our guide on how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to generate leads here.

Leveraging Intent Signals

Downloading our resource was a big neon sign saying, "I need what you're offering!" 

By focusing on these intent signals, we ensured that our outreach was relevant and timely. 

It's not about casting a wide net, it's about fishing where the fish are biting.

Want to automate this process? We covered how to automate LinkedIn outreach in another article here.

The Astonishing 85% Reply Rate Post-Acceptance

Once connected, we sent out our messages. And get this, 85% of those who received our message replied.

When you factor in the connections that weren't accepted, this translates to a solid 38% reply rate.

How to Boost Your LinkedIn Reply Rates?

  • Skip the Connection Note: It reduces barriers to entry and increases acceptance rates.
  • Narrow Your Audience: Focus on those who have shown intent or interest.
  • Leverage Intent Signals: Use downloads, sign-ups, or any engagement as a cue.
  • Craft Relevant Messages: Speak directly to the problem you know they're facing.

Wrapping Up

You don't need a massive list or fancy tools. By zeroing in on the right people and reaching out in a way that resonates, you can dramatically improve your LinkedIn outreach.

And if you're concerned about overstepping and getting blocked, we wrote an article on how to avoid getting blocked on LinkedIn here.

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